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资讯 2024年05月27日 02:00 28 admin

Q:Doesit have any impact if a foreign adult residing in China with theirminor child has a valid residence permit while the minor's residencepermit has expired?





Accordingto the law, if a guardian causes a foreigner under the age of 16 toillegally reside, they will be subject to punishment. If the guardianhelps a minor evade border inspection, it constitutes assistingothers in illegally exiting or entering the country.


Article78 Foreigners who illegally reside in China shall be given a warning;if the circumstances are serious, they shall be fined RMB 500 foreach day of illegal residence, with a total amount not exceeding RMB10,000, or detained for not less than five days but not more thanfifteen days. If a minor under the age of 16 illegally resides inChina due to the failure of the guardian or other persons responsiblefor guardianship to fulfill their guardianship duties, the guardianor other persons responsible for guardianship shall be given awarning and may be fined not more than RMB 1,000.


Article72 Those who assist others in illegally entering or exiting thecountry shall be fined not less than RMB 2,000 but not more than RMB10,000; if the circumstances are serious, they shall be detained fornot less than 10 days but not more than 15 days and fined not lessthan RMB 5,000 but not more than RMB 20,000. If there are any illegalproceeds, such proceeds shall be confiscated.


Ifa unit commits any act as described in the preceding paragraph, itshall be fined not less than RMB 10,000 but not more than RMB 50,000.If there are any illegal proceeds, such proceeds shall beconfiscated. The persons in charge who are directly responsible andother directly responsible persons shall be punished in accordancewith the provisions of the preceding paragraph.


Q:Afterentering China with a Z visa, if a foreign employee fails to payattention to the validity period of the visa and the visa expires fornearly 10 days, what should they do?


A:Accordingto Article 78 of the Exit and Entry Administration Law of thePeople's Republic of China, foreigners who illegally reside in Chinashall be given a warning. If the circumstances are serious, theyshall be fined RMB 500 for each day of illegal residence, with atotal amount not exceeding RMB 10,000, or detained for not less thanfive days but not more than fifteen days.


However,since this trip to China is for actual work, based on pastexperience, the handling result for this visa expiration is to pay afine and then re-apply for a stay visa with a validity of one month.The validity of the visa for entry and exit will be given for 10 daysor 30 days depending on the actual situation. Then, the work visawill be processed again.


Rememberthat a seemingly simple visa expiration can actually lead to veryserious consequences if not handled promptly.


Q:Ifa foreigner refuses to leave the country after being informed toleave within a specified time limit, what kind of treatment may theyface next?


A:Mostlikely: deported out


Accordingto Article 62 of the Exit and Entry Administration Law, foreignersmay be deported under the following circumstances:


(1)If a foreigner is ordered to leave the country within a specifiedtime limit but fails to do so within the prescribed time limit;


(2)There are circumstances where entry is not permitted;


(3)Illegal residence or illegal employment;


(4) Violation of this Law or other laws and administrative regulationsrequiring deportation.


Otherforeigners who have any of the circumstances listed in the precedingparagraph may be deported in accordance with the law.


Q:Whatis the maximum duration of the specified time limit for a foreigner'sdeportation?


A:Accordingto Article 33 of the Regulations on the Administration of Entry andExit of Foreigners, if a foreigner is ordered to leave the countrywithin a specified time limit, the organ making the decision shall,after canceling or seizing his or her original entry and exitdocuments, handle the procedures for him or her to stay and set atime limit for departure. The longest time limit for departure shallnot exceed 15 days.


Q:Whichcountries or regions can be chosen by the public security organ todeport the foreigners who are deported out of the country?


A:Accordingto Article 247 of the Provisions on the Procedures for HandlingAdministrative Cases by Public Security Organs, foreigners who aredeported may be deported to the following countries or regions:


(1)Country of nationality;


(2)the country or area of residence before entry;


(3)the country or region of birth;


(4)the country or region to which the port of exit belongs before entry;


(5)other countries or regions where repatriated foreigners are allowedto enter the country.





标签: 逾期 签证 外国人 怎么办


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